How Many Calories Does Just Dance Burn? All you need is just 20 to 30minutes of just dance can burn 200 calories.
If you are looking to burn calories and get bored by running, jogging and walking well Dancing is best for you then. Just dancing is combination of moving, music, dance and fitness turns into a exciting workout. Dancing is considered a full cardio workout, it helps in your weight loss journey by burning calories while increasing physical activity. The main question arise in everyone mind is how many calories does Just Dance Burn? Whether you are dancing for just for 20 minutes or for an hour. Just Dance includes a full-body workout that engages various muscle groups. In this article we will discuss in detailed how Just Dance can help you burn calories, get fit, and have fun at the same time!
How Many Calories does Just Dance Burn per Hour
Just Dance is not only a fun activity but also plays an important role when it comes to weight loss based on calories burned and body movement. The number of calories is based on some important factors like weight, movements and time duration of workout. On average data a person can burn roughly 200 calories in just 30 minutes and 400 calories in an hour. Following is the overall chart to make your understanding more easy:
Calories Burned Per Hour Playing Just Dance

- High Intensity: Fast-paced, high-energy dance routines with more vigorous movements.
Low Intensity: Light or slower-paced dancing with minimal effort. - Moderate Intensity: More energetic movements, moderate speed.
How Long Do You Need to Play “Just Dance” to Lose Weight?
For an effective and instant weight loss all you need is to create a calorie deficit. Does it mean you have to burn more calories than you consume and find it difficult? no worries you can do this by playing “Just dance” it helps you to achieve your fitness goals. However the time needed to spend playing depends on various factors:
Factors Affecting Weight Loss:
Calories Burned During Play: As mentioned earlier, the number of calories you burn playing “Just Dance” varies depending on your weight and the intensity of your dancing. On average, you can burn 200 to 400 calories per hour.
Your Daily Caloric Intake: Weight loss not only depends on the number of calories you burn but it also focused on your diet (how many calories you take a day) well all you need is to create a caloric deficit of about 500 to 1,000 calories per day, which results in 1-2 pounds of weight loss a week.
Can you use Just Dance as a workout?
The answer is Yes! You can use just dancing as a workout. While it may seem like a fun activity in the beginning, it is actually a serious fitness routine, It offers a cardiovascular workout that helps in energy boosting and weight loss. Here’s how you can maximize the workout benefits of Just Dance:
1. Cardio Workout
Just Dance is popular because it includes a cardio workout, Let me explain how? Well, just dancing includes body movements. Either you dance quick or slow it increases your heart rate which leads to improving cardiovascular health and stamina. In order to get cardio benefits all you need is focusing on fast-paced songs that require continuous movement.
2. Full-Body Workout
Like the other workout routines, just dance also engages your entire body. As your body starts moving you will be using arms, legs, core or even glutes. The dancing motion includes various muscle groups, helping to tone and strengthen them over time.
3. Calorie Burning
One effective way to burn calories is Just Dance. It is the best for weight loss. The main factors on calorie burn depend on your age, weight, movement and lastly the duration of your workout. In order to burn more calories, focus on doing a workout for an hour to get 200 to 400 calories burned.
4. Improved Coordination and Balance
The choreographed moves in Just Dance help improve coordination, rhythm, and balance. Pay attention to the detail of dance moves to improve coordination.
6. Flexibility and Convenience
Just dance is not only flexible as you can do it at home too but also Convenience as you can do it at any time you want. Whether you have a few minutes or an hour also you don’t need any kind of special equipment other than a Nintendo Switch.
What type of dance burns the most calories?
Dancing is a fun and effective way to burn calories, and some dance styles are particularly intense, making them great options for weight loss or boosting cardiovascular health. The number of calories burned during dance depends on several factors such as your body weight, the intensity of the movements, and how long you dance. Here are some of the top dance styles that burn the most calories:
1. Hip-Hop Dance
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Hip-hop dance, you can easily burn around 400-600 calories per hour. Hip hop is performed in a fast-paced music with fast movement of legs, arms and core. It increases your stamina and helps in weight loss.
2. Ballet
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Ballet, you can easily burn around 300-500 calories per hour. Ballet emphasizes core strength, leg strength, and balance, all of which require a lot of energy. The combination of stretching, jumping, and holding poses can elevate your heart rate and burn calories.
3. Zumba
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Zumba, you can easily burn around 400-600 calories per hour. It is a very fast dance which helps in cardiovascular health and weight loss.
4. Salsa
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Salsa, you can easily burn around 350-500 calories per hour. Salsa involves quick movements that require both endurance and strength. It is a great workout for your lower body, while your upper body remains engaged throughout.
5. Jazzercise
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Jazzercise, you can easily burn around 400-600 calories per hour. The mixture of dance and strength training makes Jazzercise a full-body workout. The movements are intense and fast, making it great for burning calories and improving muscle tone.
6. Swing Dance
Another type of dance that helps in weight loss is known as Swing Dance , you can easily burn around 300-450 calories per hour. Swing dance, particularly when performed at a fast tempo, can be a fun and effective way to burn calories.
How to Maximize Calorie Burn with Just Dance
Well, maximizing the number of calories burned with Just dance depends on various factors like the intensity and the duration of workout, as well as focusing on technique. Here are some tips to help you make the most out of your dance session:
1. Increase Dance Intensity: By choosing fast songs with full efforts and full muscle engaging you can increase dance intensity.
2. Extend Play Time: Make sure you are doing this workout for at least 30 to 60 minutes or if you find it difficult you can also do it in 10 to 15 minutes.
3. Track Your Movements with a Fitness Tracker: Monitoring your heart rate during the game helps ensure you’re working at a level that’s high enough to burn calories effectively so Always track your movement.
On conclusion how many calories does just dance burn: To maximize calorie burn, focus on high-energy songs, extend your playtime, challenge yourself with higher difficulty levels, and aim for consistency. The more effort and energy you put into your dance sessions, the more calories you’ll burn, making Just Dance a fun and effective way to engage in cardiovascular exercise.
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