How long does Monistat 1 stay inside you

An over-the-counter (OTC) antifungal drug called Monistat 1 is used to treat vaginal yeast infections. Since monistat is sold over-the-counter (OTC), no prescription is required to purchase it. While your neighborhood pharmacy may carry various miconazole medicines, Monistat products are made especially to treat vaginal yeast infections. 

You might be wondering how to take Monistat and if it’s the best course of action for your vaginal yeast infection. Several varieties of Monistat will be covered in this article, along with comprehensive details regarding the drug. Let’s find out; how long does Monistat 1 stay inside you? 

What is Monistat?

An antifungal drug called monistat (miconazole) is used to treat vaginal candidiasis or yeast infections of the vagina. An infection known as vaginal candidiasis is brought on by the yeast (a kind of fungus) known as Candida. 

Ovule®, cream, and conventional suppositories are among the forms available for the MONISTAT® 1-day, 3-day, and 7-day therapy formulations, a series of medications designed to treat yeast infections.

For What Reason is Monistat being used?

Vaginal yeast infections are treated with this medicine. Miconazole lessens the condition’s potential for vaginal burning, itching, and discharge. This drug is an antifungal azole. It functions by inhibiting the growth of the infection-causing yeast (fungus). There are two versions of the vaginal product available: a pill and a cream. Additionally, some treatments include a skin lotion that is meant to be administered to the region around the vaginal wall. If this is your first vaginal infection, see your doctor before using this drug as a self-treatment.

How long does it take for Monistat to work?

Monistat usually takes effect 24 hours after the initial dosage. Within three days, you should undoubtedly see some improvement in your symptoms, even if you don’t experience any in the first twenty-four hours. Inform your healthcare practitioner if, after three days, you still don’t feel better. 

Complete symptom alleviation ought to happen seven days after medication begins. See your provider if your symptoms persist after that. This might mean that you have an infection that Monistat cannot cure.

How Long Does Monistat 1 Stay Inside You?

To be clear, Monistat 1 comes in two varieties, each of which contains over-the-counter antifungal medication.

Monistat 1-Day Treatment Combination Pack

This is a single-use drug that is placed vaginally and contains 1200 mg of miconazole in the form of an ovule, a soft, egg-shaped type of medication that dissolves once inserted. Additionally, it comes with a little bottle of 2% miconazole cream, which may be used twice a day to treat the afflicted region topically and relieve symptoms for up to seven days.

Monistat One-Day Therapy Prefilled Ointment

As a one-time therapy, this medication comes with one prefilled applicator that contains 6.5% tioconazole2 ointment to be applied vaginally. And now for how long do you retain Monistat 1 in your body? 

The solution is a little nuanced.

“Half-life” is a phrase used in pharmacy to describe how long a medicine takes to leave the body. The half-life is unknown for Monistat 1 in both formulations, though. Therefore, the precise duration of the medication’s internalization remains unknown.

Nevertheless, these drugs are prescribed as single doses and come with the following instructions:

  • Most people see some (but not all) relief in their symptoms within a day
  • Most people experience full recovery by the seventh day
  • People who do not see symptom improvement by the third day, or if their symptoms persist longer than seven days, should contact their healthcare physician. 
  • Most people have some (but not total) relief after one day. Most people have complete improvement by the seventh day.

How Can Monistat Be Used?

Use at night

Use of most Monistat products should occur before bed. By using it just before bed, you can stop leaks.

In the proper position, lie down or stand up

When inserting a Monistat product, lying down with your knees bent or standing up with your knees slightly bent is recommended.

Put on a panty liner or pad

Overnight leaks of Monistat can discolor clothing and linens. Therefore, using a pad or panty liner is a smart idea to avoid this.


The Monistat creams come in various strengths. A 4% strength is available for the 3-day cream and a 2% strength for the 7-day cream.

An applicator is included with these items to assist in putting the cream into the vagina. Depending on the product, you can receive both an applicator and a tube of cream to fill yourself, or the applicator might already be filled with cream. 

When the applicator is prepared, insert it as far as possible into the vagina. To release the cream into the vagina, fully insert the plunger. 


There is a 200 mg dosage of Monistat 3-day suppository available. There are 100 mg dosage generic Monistat 7-day suppositories available as well. Depending on the product you select, you will administer one suppository into the vagina every evening for three or seven days using an applicator. For every dosage, a fresh suppository will be used. 


Monistat ovules are the medication’s egg-shaped delivery system that dissolves in the vagina. Ovules on Monistat are 1200 mg for the 1-day ovule and 200 mg for the 3-day ovule. The ovules are used by inserting them into an applicator that is placed into the vagina. 


Unlike the other Monistat products, which include miconazole, the 1-day ointment from Monistat is special since it contains 6.5% tioconazole. It can be purchased as an applicator to be placed into the vagina that is already filled with ointment.

How can I choose which product from Monistat to use?

Every Monistat product functions well. Despite being used for varying durations, they all cure vaginal yeast infections in a comparable period of time. This implies that even after a one-day therapy, your illness could not completely clear up after seven days. However, there are a few circumstances in which one Monistat product could be suggested rather than another:

If you’re pregnant

Pregnant women are advised to undergo a 7-day monistat therapy. Over seven days, it administers the least dose of medicine daily.

if you suffer from diabetes

It is advised that you take Monistat for seven days if you have diabetes.

Should you wish to apply therapy in the daytime? 

You can use the Monistat 1-day ovule during the day. It is advisable to use other items at night because leaks might occur.

if you’d like a tidy procedure

Comparing the Monistat 1-day and 3-day ovules to lotions, ointments, or suppositories, they could be less messy.

Things to avoid while using Monistat

Understanding the few items and activities that should be avoided when taking Monistat. Spermicides, douches, and tampons are a few of them. 

Tampons, douches, and spermicides

When taking Monistat, refrain from using douches, spermicides, and tampons. By absorbing some of the drugs, may impact how well Monistat functions. Additionally, they could exacerbate your symptoms. Although you can take Monistat during your menstrual cycle, it’s advisable to wear pads and pantyliners until your yeast infection has healed.

Diaphragms and condoms

Diaphragms and condoms can be damaged by Monistat. This implies that they won’t be as successful in avoiding pregnancy and STDs. 


When treating a yeast infection, avoiding vaginal intercourse might help keep your symptoms from growing worse. It’s better to hold off until after your infection has had seven days of treatment. 

What occurs if I neglect to take my Monistat dose?

Use Monistat as soon as you recall if you miss a dose. If your next dosage is almost here, skip the missed one and continue your regular regimen. Never use two dosages simultaneously. 

Side Effects of using Monistat

The vaginal region is prone to burning, itching, and irritation as a result of using Monistat. Cramps in the stomach are also possible. Usually, these negative effects are not severe.

More severe side effects might not be related to Monistat. Your infection may be worse than you first thought. This includes:

• Less discomfort in the back, shoulders, or stomach

• Fever or chills

• Odd-smelling vaginal discharge

• Skin rash or hives.

Notify your healthcare professional at away if you have any of these symptoms. 


The FDA has authorized the drug Monistat to treat vaginal yeast infections. You can inject the one-, three-, and seven-day treatments into your vagina. 

Monistat may help you feel better in as little as 24 hours, but it may take longer to cure your infection completely. Speak with your healthcare physician if your symptoms don’t improve in three days or your illness isn’t completely cured in seven days.

Itching, discomfort, and vaginal soreness are frequent adverse effects of Monistat. But they’re typically not that bad. Contact your physician if you experience chills, fever, or back or stomach pain. This suggests you may have a more serious infection resistant to Monistat’s treatment.

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