Why is my Poop Orange? Explore Reasons and Treatment

In a healthy bowel movement, you pass stool with a soft texture which passes easily. The color of a healthy stool belongs to the family of brown or greenish color. If you are thinking why your poop is orange or in any other color then the reason of this is maybe a health condition or a certain change in diet.

Sometimes the question of why is my poop orange is nothing to worry about as it may be due to some medication or food substances. However, most of the time you should be alert when you notice a different stool color. Different stool colors can be an early sign of rising health problems.

Why does Poop Color changes?

The color of our stools is a precious index of our overall health. Colorful factors contribute to the changes in poop color, primarily told by what we eat and our digestive process. One common color change that may beget concern is orange stool. Understanding the reasons behind this phenomenon can give perceptivity into our well- being.” Why is my poop orange?” is a common question that frequently helps people to examine factors, including diet and health conditions. 

Why is my Poop Orange


Why is my Poop Orange? Reasons to know

The following are the main causes of orange poop

  • Orange poop due to food

Usually, a person who is consuming orange food passes the orange tool. The constituent that gives orange color to food is specifically beta-carotene. The carotenoid compound may be orange, red, or yellow in color. It is present in different fruits, vegetables, oils, and grains.

The foods that are rich in beta carotene include sweet potatoes, carrots, and oranges.

Beta carotene is a provitamin that converts into its active form vitamin A. Many food supplements also consist of beta carotene so when you consume such supplements you may experience orange stool. Food dyes that are used in popsicles, orange sodas, or juices can also change your stool color to orange.

  • Orange poop because of medications

Medications consisting of an aluminum hydroxide such as an antacid can turn your stool color orange. Antibiotics such as rifampin also cause slight changes in stool color.

  • Orange poop because of digestive problems

Whether there are major or minor digestive issues, you should take proper treatment. When bile interacts with the enzyme in your stool it changes the stool color to brown. If your stool enzyme does not absorb enough bile your stool color becomes light grey. In terms of your bile duct being locked, it can lead to loose orange diarrhea like stool.

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orange poop


How to Treat Orange Stool? Major Factors

If the color of your stool is changing due to a beta carotene rich diet. You will not pass orange stool for a long time period. The stool color will become normal on its own. Further make considerable changes in your food choices.

However, if you have digestive issues due to which the poop color is orange consult a physician as soon as possible. You can also change the food supplements or medication that are responsible for causing orange poop.


One of the most common reasons for orange stools is diet. Certain foods rich in colors, like beta- carotene or artificial food colorings, can conduct an orange tinge to the stool. Foods similar as sweet potatoes, carrots, and certain supplements may contribute to the abrasion. In utmost cases, conforming the diet can help homogenize coprolite color.  

Different poop colors

Apart from orange, the following are some of the stool colors which you should be concerned about

  • Green

If you are consuming a green leafy vegetable diet you may experience green poop. Other than that adding excessive food color or cold and diarrhea is another reason for green stool.

  • Red

Red color poop should never be avoided as it is the most alarming sign of health issues. If you notice blood smears or red color poop it may be a sign of anal tears or hemorrhoids. Bright red color poop may be due to internal bleeding.

  • Cream or light color

Light color or cream color stool is a sign of bile duct, liver, gallbladder, or pancreas issues.

  •  Black

Black color stool may be due to excess Iron intake or it is caused by internal bleeding of the stomach or esophagus. Ulcers can also cause black stool.

GERD( Gastro esophageal Reflux Disease) 

GERD, a habitual condition where stomach acid flows back into the esophagus, can occasionally beget orange stool. This occurs due to the commerce of stomach acid with the corrosiveness that aids in digestion. Managing GERD through life changes, medications, and dietary adaptations can be effective in resolving associated coprolite abrasion.  

Underlying Health Problems 

Orange droppings may also be a suggestion of underpinning health issues. Conditions affecting the liver, gallbladder, or pancreas can impact the digestive process and lead to changes in stool color. Inflammation or infection in these organs may beget indecorous corrosiveness product or immersion, performing in orange- multicolored stool. Understanding the reasons behind the question” Why is my poop orange?” can help others make informed decisions about their health. 

Celiac Disease

Celiac complaint is an autoimmune disorder touched off by gluten consumption. When individualities with celiac complaint ingest gluten, their vulnerable system responds by damaging the small intestine lining. Orange stool can be a symptom of mal-absorption issues associated with celiac  complaint. A gluten-free diet is the primary treatment for managing this condition and addressing associated digestive problems.  

When to See a Doctor about Stool Discoloration 


When to See a Doctor about Stool Discoloration 

It is not always necessary that you are suffering from a major disease due to which your poop color turns orange. Most probably in recent days, you might have consumed food that contains a high amount of beta-carotene, you may be taking supplements, or you may be on medication. In any scenario, within a few days, the pool color will get back to normal.

If orange stool is accompanied by other concerning symptoms similar as abdominal pain. Timely opinion and treatment can help address underpinning issues. Immediately go to the hospital if you experience additional symptoms like fever chills bloody stool or abdominal pain.


How Do You Get Rid of Orange Poop?

 Addressing orange stools involves targeting the root cause. However, conforming the input of specific foods can be sufficient, if the abrasion is due to salutary factors. For those with GERD, managing acid influx through medications and life variations is crucial. In cases of underpinning health problems, a comprehensive treatment plan specified by a healthcare professional may be necessary. 

Can stress cause an orange stool? 

While stress is known to affect the digestive system, directly causing orange droppings is uncommon. Stress may lead to changes in bowel habits, but orange stool is more likely attributed to salutary factors, underpinning health conditions, or medications. However, managing stress through relaxation ways and life  adaptations may laterally support digestive health, If stress is suspected as a contributing factor. 

Why Is My Poop Orange and Oily? 

 Orange, oily stool may be reflective of fat mal-absorption, conceivably due to conditions like pancreatitis or celiac complaint. The orange color results from the presence of undigested fats. Consultation with a healthcare professional is essential to determine the underpinning cause and establish an applicable treatment plan acclimatized to the specific diagnosis.

Bottom line

Don’t overthink why my poop is orange because mostly it is due to medication, supplements, or diet cs. First, start making dietary changes. If it doesn’t work, consult a doctor.

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